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TheBodyBySara | Honoring Oluwatoyin Salau


Klickpicks’ Tour de Femme invites an empowering take on content creation by offering a look through the female gaze. The female perspective manifests knowledge and creativity, yet it is the most neglected.

Women are often the focal point of society’s gaze. The vessel to perpetuate beauty and desirability, whether it be to sell clothes or tell a story. Women inhabit your movies, magazines, and social media timelines. They have become so deeply embedded in the narrative of materialism, fantasy, and inevitable dehumanization.

Too often, women are only understood as the subject of a gaze, as objects or instruments for exploitative consumption. This was the case for Oluwatoyin Salau. She was 19 years old when she was murdered at the hands of gender-based violence. TheBodyBySara will be honoring the life of Oluwatoyin Salau and recognizing the pervasive issue of gender-based violence against black womxn, girls, and transwomen. In her image, TheBodybySara is selling digital art and posters to fundraise for Rights4girls and the TransWomen of Color Collective. 100% of proceeds will go towards supporting these organizations. View Here.

TheBodyBySara was started by Sara Bermudez, a Klickpicks Apprentice. The body is the focal point of inspiration at TheBodyBySara and it is essential to recognize how the bodies of black womxn, girls, and trans women are exploited and instrumentalized in the most violent ways. The goal of TheBodyBySara is to transform this narrative into seeing all womxn as art rather than bodies to be exploited.

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